Coset Enumeration using Prefix Gröbner Bases in MRC - An Experimental Approach
Reports On Computer Algebra No 25. Centre for Computer Algebra. University of Kaiserslautern. November 1999. (Gzippped Postscript, 136 Kbytes, 56 pp)

Based on prefix Gröbner bases as implemented in Mrc, we study a new method to enumerate cosets. It is compared to well known methods for Todd-Coxeter enumeration using the examples from the literature where studies of these methods are reported. New insights into coset enumeration were gained using three different kinds of orderings combined with the new frameworks and strategies implemented in Mrc.

Birgit Reinert, Dirk Zeckzer
Universität Kaiserslautern
Fachbereich Informatik
Postfach 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany
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